Energy of Success
What You'll Learn:
- Understand that success is an energy you can cultivate. It's not just "random luck" or hard work!
- If you're longing for just "one small win" give you faith and recommitment to your project or idea, this is the perfect class for you
- You'll learn a practical, daily practice for transforming lack-thoughts into positive, successful feelings that spread everywhere in your life

Summer McStravick
Creator of Flowdreaming
Summer has been teaching the art of manifestation and mindset since 2004. She’s internationally recognized for her teachings about healing and flow energies.
Energy of Success: Create a Chain Reaction of Wins
"i'd lost hope"
“i was really starting to feel hopeless about my side hustle. everyone around me seemed like they were doing great but i wasn’t. i know i got myself into a place where i wasn’t even expecting anything to work out or go well. just kinds grinding. but this class showed me just how far out of alignment i was with the ‘energy’ of success. i did the class, then used the flowdream for only about three weeks and omg things started turning around. i’m so thankful to you summer for pointing out these truths i had totally forgotten.”
— Cathy Holmes, New Mexico
Course Duration
Five Audio Masterclasses (61 minutes)
Course price
$127 US
Course Level
Beginner - Advanced
Course Description
A chain reaction of wins.
How would that feel? Not just a win, but sparking off a continuous series of wins that build on one another. We look at the energy of what “success” feels like in our lives, from small wins to large.
Success is continuously flowing, and ever-building. We’ll learn to create and support this energy in our lives and infuse it into every corner of ourselves.
In this course, you can choose anything in your life that you want to experience more success in — your job, your relationship, a project — anything! Then, we’ll release any feelings or energies that can create any form of “holding back” from your desired results.
You may be surprised that triggering a series of wins is easier than you think.
Plus, you’ll learn to:
- Invite success back into your life, or enhance the success you’re already experiencing
- Root out any energies that reflect lowered expectations or anticipation of mediocre results
- Radiate feelings on demand of the good feelings of gratitude, success, pride, and achievement
Five on-demand classes will help you stir up the energies of success and help you joyfully focus on all that’s awaiting you.
Practical, downloadable worksheets will supplement our in-class exercises.
And the audio Flowdream “A Chain Reaction of Incredible Wins” will help you feeling what continuous, rolling success looks and feels like.
What you get:

Five audio classes packed with in-class exercises

Accompanying "A Chain Reaction of Incredible Wins" Flowdream Meditation for download and practice

Instructional worksheets filled with exercises and activities