Beyond Fear
What You'll Learn:
- Discover what’s blocking your success with techniques that identify the Lack Thoughts that control you
- Feel inner strength and confidence as you root out and replace self-doubt and fear throughout your life
- Finally break through life-long patterns that have kept you small and taste your own full self-expression and abilities

Summer McStravick
Creator of Flowdreaming
Summer has been teaching the art of manifestation and mindset since 2004. She’s internationally recognized for her teachings about healing and flow energies.
Rid yourself of the lack-thinking, fear, scarcity and blocks that keep you from feeling limitless inner power.
No lack. No scarcity. No worry, no anxiety. No holding back. Let’s find our fear and lack-thinking and release them and every bit of resistance or blocks in our lives.
"It WAS all in my head, hahah!"
“I’ve always wondered why I get so close to success and then it disappears or falls apart. I see why now. Summer you helped me see that I hold back from fear and not only that but my fears are baseless. I have such a new perspective on everything. I’ve already fixed several situations I was afraid of touching. Mindblowing!”
— Trish, Brooklyn, NY
Course Duration
Four Audio Masterclasses (79 minutes)
Course price
$127 US
Course Level
Intermediate - Advanced
Course Description
Rid yourself of the lack-thinking, fear, scarcity and blocks that keep you from feeling limitless inner power.
No lack. No scarcity. No worry, no anxiety. No holding back.
The opposite of fear is trust.
Let’s find our fear and lack-thinking and release them and every bit of resistance or blocks in our lives.
In this course, we’ll delve deep into where and how Lack-Thinking stifles and enthralls you. We peel back your limiting thoughts and reveal your true nature instead: a free, confident, self-aware, strong person with a hundred paths in front of you for your success.
Practical worksheets help you identify the fear-based Lack Thoughts that habitually keep you small. Four on-demand classes reveal the specific emotions Lack-thinking uses to control and oppress you—with fear being the number one.
This isn’t a class about facing your fears. It’s about transcending them and making your worries, self-doubt, and low expectations billow away like broken cobwebs.
The Flowdream “Fearless Inner Power” allows you to experience the fullness of your emotional strength and clarity. You’ll use it to consistently build a stronger, healthier more satisfied self.
This is one of the most powerful classes I offer. It’s truly transformative and can help you for decades to come.
What you get:

Four audio classes packed with in-class exercises

Accompanying "Fearless Inner Power" Flowdream for download and practice

Instructional worksheets filled with exercises and activities