What You'll Learn:
- Activate the energy of having every stage or experience be utterly perfect and leading you exactly where you want to go.
- See why you feel like life isn’t supporting your next steps, and fix it
- Get back to the feeling that everything is perfect and on track

Summer McStravick
Creator of Flowdreaming
Summer has been teaching the art of manifestation and mindset since 2004. She’s internationally recognized for her teachings about healing and flow energies.
Tap into Full Universal Support and Your Perfect Direction
"I was so down"
“Summer talked to me in a private session about this class. I just got passed over for a job I really wanted. I felt like, what am I doing? Where am I even going? I was so down. But she helped me reconnect with a deeper understanding that no matter where I am, I’m where my next step is. It was a breath of fresh air and freedom. If half of what she gave me is in this class, then take it.”
— Kurt W., Rhode Island
Course Duration
Three Audio Masterclasses
Course price
$127 US
Course Level
Beginner - Advanced
Call in Universal love and feel a sense of caring, devoted support for your dreams.
In this course, you’ll let go of feeling lost, unsure, or unsupported. Instead, you be feel guided, nourished, protected, and motivated. It’s the feeling of being held in the protective arms of the Universe as you’re encouraged to bloom into your next form.
We explore the energy knowing that the path you’re on is the right one, even if you can’t presently see or feel that. You’re led to completely let go into feelings of safety, protection and love. This course is perfect for you if you feel:
confused as to where to go next in life
unsure if what you’re now doing is right for you
hopeless about your next steps
longing for a sense of steady guidance and direction toward everything working out perfectly
You are gently held. You are loved. You are on your right path. And you have every possible kind of support you need for your journey.
In class, you’ll be asked to explore your feelings and develop a new energy template for the Universe to follow. You’ll begin feeling how the Universe is constantly lovingly nudging and directing you. You’ll feel safe and able to relax and release your fears. You’ll feel eager for the next steps to be revealed you you.
Being “held” means knowing that the Universe is already 100% aware of everything your feeling, even uncertainly, doubt, or confusion about your future, and it already has plans in motion for you.
Are you ready to feel this? Then come aboard!
Enjoy 3 classes, worksheets and a Flowdream for daily practice.
What you get:

Three audio classes packed with in-class exercises

Accompanying "Held: Tap Into Full Universal Support and Your Perfect Direction" audio Flowdream for download and practice

Instructional worksheets filled with exercises and activities